How Product Managers Spend Their Time: Insights Across Levels

June 11, 2023

Product managers are key drivers in translating business objectives into successful products. The role of a product manager varies across levels and requires a diverse range of skills, from strategizing to execution. Understanding how product managers allocate their time is crucial for productivity and effectiveness. Here, we take a look at how product managers across different levels spend their time. This insight can help you benchmark your own time management against your peers and optimize your productivity with Timeback.

How PM spend their meetings

Key Insights Across Roles

Entry-Level Product Manager

  • Focus Time: 7.5 hours
  • Meeting Time: 19 hours
    • External: 1.6 hours
    • One-on-One: 1.95 hours
    • Team Sync: 3.75 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 4.8 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 6 hours

Mid-Level Product Manager

  • Focus Time: 12.5 hours
  • Meeting Time: 14.8 hours
    • External: 0.9 hours
    • One-on-One: 0.7 hours
    • Team Sync: 4.2 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 4 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 7.3 hours

Senior Product Manager

  • Focus Time: 10.4 hours
  • Meeting Time: 16 hours
    • External: 0.8 hours
    • One-on-One: 1.2 hours
    • Team Sync: 4.5 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 4.45 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 7 hours

Product Manager - Director

  • Focus Time: 7.5 hours
  • Meeting Time: 19 hours
    • External: 1.6 hours
    • One-on-One: 1.95 hours
    • Team Sync: 3.75 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 4.8 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 6 hours

Product Manager - Executive

  • Focus Time: 11.3 hours
  • Meeting Time: 16.5 hours
    • External: 2.1 hours
    • One-on-One: 1.3 hours
    • Team Sync: 1.9 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 2.8 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 5.4 hours

Comparative Analysis & Observations

  • Focus Time: Mid-Level Product Managers tend to have the highest focus time (12.5 hours), suggesting that they are highly engaged in tasks that require concentration. Executives also allocate a substantial amount of time to focus work (11.3 hours).
  • Meeting Time: Directors and Entry-Level Product Managers have the highest meeting time, approx 19 hours. This indicates that they are likely to be involved in a wide range of discussions, from strategy to execution.
  • Fragmented Time: Fragmented time is relatively consistent across levels but is marginally higher for non-executive roles.
  • External Meetings: Executive and Director levels have more external meetings compared to other levels. This aligns with their roles which may require more interaction with clients, partners, or other stakeholders.
  • One-on-One Meetings: One-on-one meetings are relatively less frequent for mid-level product managers, possibly reflecting a phase where the emphasis is more on individual contributions and less on team management.

Take Action with Timeback

Timeback can help Product Managers to optimize their schedules:

  • Benchmarking: Compare your time management with industry standards and peers.
  • Intelligent Suggestions: Receive smart suggestions for calendar optimization.
  • Collaboration Enhancement: Build stronger relationships with your team and collaborators.
  • Goal-Oriented Planning: Align your time with business objectives.

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