How Engineers Spend Their Time: A Data-Driven Insight

June 09, 2023

In the fast-paced world of software engineering, time management is crucial. How do software engineers at different levels distribute their time between focus work, meetings, and other activities?

We analyzed calendar data for various roles ranging from entry-level to executive positions, and here's what we found. This insight will empower you to benchmark your own time management against your peers and strive for optimal productivity with Timeback.

how engineering spent their meetings

Key Insights Across Roles

Engineering Entry-Level

Focus Time
: 8.9 hours
  • Meeting Time: 17.6 hours
    • External: 1.05 hours
    • One-on-One: 2.05 hours
    • Team Sync: 4.25 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 3.75 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 6.25 hours

Engineering Mid-Level

Focus Time
: 22.2 hours
  • Meeting Time: 9.3 hours
    • External: 0.25 hours
    • One-on-One: 0.25 hours
    • Team Sync: 3.7 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 2.1 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 6 hours

Engineering Senior

Focus Time
: 19.4 hours
  • Meeting Time: 10.1 hours
    • External: 0.25 hours
    • One-on-One: 0.4 hours
    • Team Sync: 3.9 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 2.4 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 5.9 hours

Engineering Manager

Focus Time
: 8.4 hours
  • Meeting Time: 17.5 hours
    • External: 0.75 hours
    • One-on-One: 2.2 hours
    • Team Sync: 5.2 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 4.2 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 6.8 hours

Engineering Director

Focus Time
: 8.9 hours
  • Meeting Time: 17.6 hours
    • External: 1.05 hours
    • One-on-One: 2.05 hours
    • Team Sync: 4.25 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 3.75 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 6.25 hours

Engineering Executive

Focus Time
: 14.4 hours
  • Meeting Time: 14 hours
    • External: 1.8 hours
    • One-on-One: 1.1 hours
    • Team Sync: 2.5 hours
    • Ad-hoc: 2.2 hours
  • Fragmented Time: 5.4 hours

Comparison and Analysis

  • Focus Time is highest for Mid-Level Engineers (22.2 hours) which gradually decreases as one moves up the ladder. Executives, however, have an uptick in focus time (14.4 hours) due to the strategic nature of their role.
  • Meeting Time is the highest for Managers and Directors, roughly 17.6 hours. Entry-level engineers surprisingly also have the same amount of meeting time. Executives have a relatively balanced meeting schedule at 14 hours.
  • Fragmented Time decreases as seniority increases, showing better time management and focused work environment.
  • One-on-One Meetings are higher in managerial positions, which is understandable as they need to maintain close coordination with their team members.

What Can You Do With This Data?

Timeback can help you get more insights and optimize how you spend your time:

  • Benchmark: Compare your time distribution with peers in your role.
  • Goal Alignment: Align your time with your career and productivity goals.
  • Calendar Optimization: Make informed decisions to optimize your schedule for maximum productivity.
  • Collaboration Analysis: Analyze your collaboration patterns and build stronger relationships.

Take the first step to take back control of your time. Sign up for Timeback and benchmark yourself with other engineers!

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